Home Neck Traction


The Home Neck Traction Is Clinically Proven For Neck Pain Relief & Easy To Use At Home, Office Or Traveling

Counteracts neck problems which can lead your cervical spine joints to deteriorate. With the use of the home cervical traction unit, some chronic and degenerative neck problems may be reversible!

The single model is good for most neck problems, while the dual model addresses the upper back as well. Made In U.S.A.

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The Home Neck Traction Is Clinically Proven For Neck Pain Relief & Restoration

The Home Neck Traction counteracts neck problems which can lead your cervical spine joints to deteriorate. When the spine has lost its natural shape, rich lubricating fluid is unable to penetrate the joints, causing nutritional loss and premature aging.

With the use of the cervical traction unit, some chronic and degenerative neck problems may be reversible! Two patients with acute migraine headaches improved dramatically during a 20 minute treatment. There is a single model for the neck, and a dual model for the neck and upper back. Choose the one that best related to your postural condition.

Abnormal Posture Effects On Discs and Spinal Bones

home neck traction

The normal neck posture on the left shows nutrients able to flow in the joints. Next, as the neck loses its posture, nutrients cannot flow properly. The result is that joints become dry and stiff leading to degeneration. On the right normal position and nutrient flow is restored using the home cervical traction unit.

Improved Head Strap Design – No Chin Strap!
Better Comfort – Better Results
Pump – Release – Repeat

disc hydrating cervical traction

In a clinical study with the original home neck traction, patients had significant increases in neck mobility after a 20 minute treatment. MRI changes were often dramatic, with improvement in neck posture, widening of disc spaces and often shrinkage of disc bulges or disc protrusions usually thought of as permanent

Poor neck positions force the spine out of its natural shape, causing abnormal joint movement and loss of joint lubrication. Dry joints wear unevenly, age rapidly and cause neck stiffness and discomfort.

A common cause of neck, head and shoulder tension and pain, poor neck posture causes the head to lean forward away from the body as well as straightening of the curve or military neck. This unit is for those who suffer from being in uncomfortable positions for extended periods. It gets to the cause of neck pain and discomfort and is easy to use at home or for travel.

Cervical Spine Restoration

When the spine is properly shaped and restored using the home cervical traction unit, nutrient rich fluids are drawn into the joints by the sponge like action of the discs, promoting balance and increasing joint efficiency.

The home cervical traction unit carefully lifts and separates the neck in a specific way that other products cannot and is recommended because it gets to the cause of neck discomfort. Ranges of motion, x-ray and MRI studies show that loss of the normal curved shape in the neck causes the joints to wear unevenly, dry out and become stiff.

The Discs Are De-Compressed To Reduce Nerve Pressure | The Cervical Spine Is Shaped For Curve Restoration | Lubricating Fluid Is Absorbed For Essential Disc Nutrition

Strengthen and lubricate your neck! Like working oil into a rusty hinge, use the home neck traction after long periods of holding your head, neck in uncomfortable positions. Many use it just before bedtime to relieve head and neck discomfort, stiffness, stress and to help fall asleep easier.

Will This Device Help Me?

The purpose is to help hydrate the discs and restore the cervical curve. It is used to pump the discs in a normal or lordotic (curved) position of the cervical spine. As indicated in the 2017 Musculoskeletal Science & Practice, older, more degenerated discs respond less to this type of traction and will benefit more from a static (held) force than intermittent (pumping) force. So, if you have moderate to severe degeneration, a pinched nerve or herniated disc that is symptomatic, the response and relief will be better with more linear (straight) and static designed units.

If you have mild to moderate degeneration, postural related pain, and are looking to help restore the curve, this is the best traction. It operates at a low force and is part of what is needed for correction and prevention along with other methods like sitting and workstation ergonomics, a properly designed pillow for sleeping, and corrective exercise/stretching.

lordotic traction

A 2019 study indicated that traction with curve controlled force (maintaining the curve) showed significant pain, functional, and morphological (shape of curve) improvement compared to traditional traction for cervical degenerative disc disease.

Balanced traction force distribution on the spinal structures is achieved by elevating C4 to C6 to maintain the lordotic curve, thus reducing muscle tension and equal elongation of the disc space can be ensured. It should be noted that the unit used in this study is a computer controlled clinical table model capable of producing significant force. The disc was not “pumped”. Force was to maximum tolerance or one third of the patient’s weight for 15 minutes per session, 3 times per week.

Using Home Traction

The home traction unit by Posture Pump is a serious spinal health product recommended by doctors to thousands of patients. It is not a massage device or meant to be an occasional use product. Keep it on your bed, nightstand or a place where you can use it often. Take it with you on trips as just minutes of use will reinforce your neck’s natural posture and lubricate the joints as you pump your posture back to health.

Just like performing any new exercise, an aggressive workout with the traction unit can temporarily make you sore. To reduce this, inflate at lower levels and keep your treatment under 10 minutes for the first 2 weeks. This will allow your neck to gradually adapt to a more aggressive therapy.

The home cervical traction unit achieves an angular joint separation by lifting the spine with a vectored pneumatic force where normal neck shape and disc nutrition are enhanced while the spinal cord and nerve roots are lifted into a safe, relaxed position. This is accomplished with air pressures of less than 8-lbs which makes the home neck traction more safe, comfortable and effective than other traction devices.

The device is a useful tool to take pressure off irritated nerves and help to restore proper neck posture. When used consistently over a period of time it can be very helpful for problems related to forward head posture from working at a computer for extended lengths of time. Again, it should be used as a part of a comprehensive program which includes neck exercises, joint health supplements and the right neck pillow. Any one by itself may be helpful, but the chances of lasting improvement are most noted when the right combination is found.


proven results

Before use you can see bulges into the covering of the spinal cord which contains spinal fluid. These are at the areas of the arrows. After using for just 5 minutes, MRI shows significant decrease in bulges and percent expansion of the discs, as well as spinal curve restoration.

MRI studies show documented improvements in disc problems & spinal posture; lets see some proof how this works and how it can change your life.

This review documents thirty six individuals having neck pain, managed with the home neck traction device – an inflatable system broadly utilized with numerous records connected with clinical success. Sixty six people experiencing neck pain without or with headache or arm symptoms had been investigated. Thirty had been dismissed since they either did not have substantial neck issues on x-ray or highly developed degenerative alterations in which the spinal vertebrae had been fused. Twenty six were women and ten were men from eighteen to sixty five years old.

Omitted within the research were: prior neck surgical treatment, spine injury inside the prior Six months, people using pacemakers as well as inserted electronic devices, people having significant health problems as well as carrying a child. Following preliminary background, specific physical as well as neurological examination and also comprehensive x-rays of the neck. Virtually all thirty six people had substantial posture and/or degenerative disc changes.

They went through measurements involving motion ranges, pain level scores, MRI involving the neck, twenty minute therapy using the home neck traction device as well as an additional MRI just after the therapy. All thirty six received a home neck traction device to utilize and were instructed to apply Three to Five times each week at home. Following 30 days, every person was called regarding follow-up assessment involving pain level, consistency of application as well as remarks.

neck traction study

Before – Note the back buckling of the neck at the large arrow, disc bulging or protrusion in the spinal cord area at the arrows, compressing of the disc as well as loss of fluid, notably at the back buckling indicated as a flat disc space and also stair-stepping at the C5-6 level.

During – Note the reversed back buckling at the large arrow, disc bulging/protrusions decreased from 3 to 6, which have significantly expanded, looking much thicker and lighter as well as re-hydrated with fluid with stair-stepping reduced. Arrow pointing to disc not in range of applied traction, which is still protruding.

Outcome following a twenty minute session:

From the preliminary MRI study, changes were noted as follows for 34 individuals. Due to motion, 2 individuals poor quality MRI studies.

1 or more decreased disc bulges 20
Disc hydration increase 16
Spinal cord space increased 7
Greater curve in neck 6
Changes in stress lines 3
Stair-stepping changes 2
No change visible 2

Of thirty three called, six had not utilized the home neck traction for a variety of factors “mainly too busy”. Of the twenty four reporting benefits: Pain scores, on the average, showed a decrease from 5/10 to 2.2/10, indicating a 56 percent pain decrease.

Preliminary forward motion of the neck improved by an average 6 degrees as well as backward motion of the neck with an average improvement of 10 degrees. Every subject except 2 had immediate improvements regarding posture or vertebral and disc abnormalities following just a single twenty minute treatment. 7 individuals underwent 30 day MRI follow up, indicating:

A 1 mm widening of the spinal canal in four persons. 1 displayed a resorption of the disc as well as a decrease in pressure on the spinal cord at the 5-6 level. Improvement of neck curve in 6 individuals. One of these showed excellent improvement of neck curve posture, as well as joint expansion in the front and back during inflation.

Generally, this research indicates protruded or bulging may be pulled in while the vertebral disc expands while in traction as well as supports the idea of lowered disc pressure using expansion plus inflation. When the disc expands, protruding/bulging content is pulled in, discs possess a light coloring on MRI indicating greater fluid or hydration levels. Curve forming as well as disc hydration can take place at the same time in the course of use.

By making use of this impressive traction device by the innovative folks at Posture Pump, pain as well as MRI improvements were showed for a majority of those involved, with no unwanted effects documented.

MRI comparison of the neck with no device, a rolled towel and the home traction device

mri comparison

1) With no device applied there is a minimal neck curve. There is a kyphotic buckle with stair-stepping and disc compression in the mid neck region. 2) The same patient with a rolled towel (passive device) applied shows a significant indentation (short blue arrow) but offers no relief from altered neck curve, stair-stepping or disc compression. There is a disc protrusion into the subarachnoid space at C5/6 (long blue arrow). 3) The same patient using the home neck traction. Note the neck curve has been restored, stair-stepping eliminated and the C5/6 disc protrusion is no longer visible. There is also dramatic disc expansion: over 50% at C5/6, over 40% at C4/5 and over 25% at C3/4.

With traditional tissue traction expansion, your head is typically pulled pried from your shoulders within a straight or perhaps angled direction with out consideration to the neck’s all-natural curve . In this particular research, thirty six individuals having neck pain for a minimum of Six months and varying age from twenty one to eighty five. twenty were women; sixteen were males. Omitted in the research were individuals who have been on medications and when cervical spine radiographs demonstrated fused bones or hereditary irregularities. 1 man was discovered on x-ray as having ankylosing spondylitis. 4 other individuals had been ruled out since their necks were very small to assess sufficiently in the neck traction equipment when inside the MRI. 3 of the individuals had been older than sixty five yet had been involved since they had been very healthy, used no medicines as well as had nominal degenerative findings in the neck.

All individuals arrived for the home neck traction study at the MRI center which is where they initially acquired an MRI in order to assess spine structure and also the viability of performing the research. A single individual was found to possess a substantial growth evidently stemming from the nerve root and probably a neurilemoma. This individual had been sent for evaluation by a neurosurgeon. After the first MRI, nineteen men and women were placed in standard straight line traction at greatest tolerance as an MRI was conducted. After the straight line traction, they were positioned upon the home neck traction when the last MRI was completed.

The effects were impressive! Straight line traction almost always straightened out the neck right into a posture that is the complete opposite of the optimal normal position. The home neck traction inevitably improved upon the positioning in the neck, opening up disc spaces at the front as well as back. Remarkably, flexibility in the neck had been nearly always increased following use. Whenever straight line traction had been conducted, ability to move increased nine degrees. The use of the home neck traction resulted in improved motion for an average thirty one degrees. In a previous study, just one application for Twenty minutes increased ability to move greater than the present study in which the use was just the duration of time used to get the MRI.

The results were decreased disc bulging, improved neck pain symptoms as well as increased the normal neck curve. The home neck traction produced better outcomes than typical straight line traction.

Home Neck Traction Study With Our Military Members

Study At The Army Medical Symposium As Our Military Members Try The Traction Unit With Stunning Results That Are Waiting For You

The busiest booth at the 3 day Army Medical Symposium, hundreds lined up to try it.

use at Army Medical Symposium

The U.S. Army Aeromedical Research Labarotory Science Program Director was interested in doing a study with their pilots. Stating: Pilots need to wear night vision goggles, weighing about 7-8 pounds and most of the weight is in front of the forehead causing severe forward head posture. This added to the “G” force from flying has been a critical issue with neck pain and pilots.

traction military study This is SFC. Trevor Diaz, US Army from the Army Medical Conference in San Antonio. He was found to be suffering from five disc herniations in his neck.

Trevor wished to say hello and thanked us for providing him with the device. He said it made his neck feel much better. He is now capable of bending his head up with no pain or problems.

before treatment after treatment

PRE: Ms. P with kyphotic (backward) buckle at C-4/C-5. Note posterior position of C-4 and C-5 as they compress the anterior (front) disc space (outlined). This aberrant configuration is a breeding ground for joint decay that will surely follow without correction.

POST: Ms. P after only one 20 minute session with the home neck traction applied from within the lordotic cavity at 8 PSI. Note that the kyphotic buckle is gone! Also observe the C-4/C-5 disc space (outlined). It has expanded or hydrated approximately 50%! If this patient sticks with her traction care, her dramatic reversal of kyphosis will lead to lasting lordotic recovery.


Author Bio

Stephen Ornstein, D.C. has treated thousands of neck, shoulder and back conditions since graduating Sherman Chiropractic College in 1987 and during his involvement in Martial Arts. He holds certifications as a Peer Review Consultant from New York Chiropractic College, Physiological Therapeutics from National Chiropractic College, Modic Antibiotic Spinal Therapy from Dr. Hanne Albert, PT., MPH., Ph.D., Myofascial Release Techniques from Logan Chiropractic College, and learned Active Release Technique from the founder, P. Michael Leahy, DC, ART, CCSP.