Contact Us NeckSolutions
Our Contact Form is the quickest way to get help with questions and related matters. This enables us to have specific answers to your questions and saves busy time on the phone. The contact form is monitored both during and after hours.
We do not accept insurance for payment. Insurance varies coverage both across policies and within the same policy. You and/or your health care provider can contact your insurance company regarding coverage and claim submission.
It is important you read this short information in order to avoid delays or non response.
Vendor Information
We do work with government agencies and are registered under POSTURE MED, LLC
SAM / 053144398 / 8N4T0
Dun & Bradstreet 053144398
The form is the quickest method of contact.
We do not provide free or trial samples. Tax on sales in PA only.
If it is a question about an order, you must include your order number.
We do not answer questions regarding diagnosis of medical conditions – consult your specific health care provider. We do not respond to emails asking questions that this page answers like do you accept insurance? Or questions that are directly answered on this or the product pages. Please read carefully as this will save time and frustration.
Please check your email filtering or email blocking software to make sure you receive a response from us. NeckSolutions is a division of PostureMed. Failure to include correct email or blocking/spam filtering will result in non-receipt that is beyond our control.
For Returns: Please review our Return Policy prior to contacting us. Responding to your confirmation email for any return consideration speeds up the process.
Ordering is online or via email invoice. Our phone line is for professional matters 10am – 4pm EST.
Please note we are experiencing a staff shortage at this time, please use the form for quickest response. This also allows time to consult technical for best response, especially for special wheelchair headrest set-ups.
Difficulty getting through, leave a clear message with specific content. Failure to do will result in non-callback. Blocked name and number calls will go directly into messaging.