Back Stabilization Exercises
With nearly 30 patient exercises for back stabilization, this book is ideal for a home exercise program to strengthen and rehabilitate.
Back exercises are supported by step by step instructions and images and divided into Supine, Bridge, Quadruped and Lunge/Squat tracks. The second edition is completely revised and updated with new exercises and full-color images.
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Back Stabilization Exercises To Rehab Muscles Supporting The Lumbar Spine – Illustrative Professional Quality Book
For some, the use of back stabilization exercises to improve stability of the lumbar spine may improve the ability to tolerate loading in degenerative conditions, as well as improve balance and stability of the lumbar spine. This is a great book to provide a comprehensive program of easy to do exercises.
Benefits Of Back Stabilization Exercises
Research reports beneficial results for individuals who’ve done back stabilization exercises. These studies have evaluated the advantages of a back stabilization program to address back pain. The elements affecting back stability are a focus of in depth analysis. The application of these studies by using specific programs, as illustrated in this new edition book, has developed into a prevalent therapy regarding low back pain which is used by sports athletes in order to enhance overall performance as well as the average person intended for health and also preventing injuries.
Back stabilization is crucial for correct weight balance in the back and hips. The back is specifically dealt with in addition to the core muscles which surround the lower back. Abdominal, hip and spinal muscle groups function in harmony in order to supply stability. Core stability has shown to be essential regarding strong leg movements, as required in sports.
This is a 16 page comprehensive back stabilization program, featuring almost 30 exercises for back rehabilitation and prevention of future problems.
The back stabilization exercises book makes use of floor exercises that require no special equipment. It is clearly illustrated and each exercise is described in detail.
The useful effects associated with exercises for back pain is commonly recognized. Regular exercise provides beneficial effects on overall performance involving the spine, enhancing the amount of dynamic stabilization. Exercising additionally increases posture control, co-ordination as well as preciseness of movements, preventing muscle fatigue as well as injuries.
- A 2011 study in the European Spine Journal noted postural stability while standing displayed more sway in those with back pain than those without. They investigated center of pressure excursions and indicated decreased postural stability was generally associated with back pain.
- A systematic review and meta-analysis in the 2014 Journal BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders reviewed 43 relevant studies related to biomechanics of the lumbar spine and pelvis in those subjects with and without back pain. They noted that of all the biomechanical factors associated with back pain, decreased range of motion and slower motion, possibly related to spinal stiffness as seen in degenerative conditions, along with decreased proprioception (positional or postural sense) related to balance and stability, were the greatest factors. So, improving back stability, in addition to increasing physical performance and reducing pain, may help to prevent falls.
- A 2015 study in the Caspian Journal of Internal Medicine found that patients suffering chronic low back pain from segmental instability of the lumbar spine showed greater improvement in reducing excessive motion when core stabilizing exercises were added to general exercise. The greatest effects of the addition of core stabilizing exercises were seen in reducing excessive segmental rotation and translation movements, which are associated with low back pain.
- A 2017 study in the journal Medicine (Baltimore) found an association between pain, disability, and lumbar neuromuscular function in patients with chronic non-specific low back pain. The study suggested these patients require targeted training in lumbar proprioception, endurance and muscle strength. The authors indicate this to be a basis for treatment and prevention.
- A 2018 study in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science found that stabilization exercise improves sense of joint positioning, reduces functional disability and pain compared with heat therapy in patients with subacute non-specific low back pain.
- A 2019 study in the Spine Journal found that the muscles adjacent to the spine (paraspinal), like the deep multifidus and the more superficial erector spinae, are important for control and movement of the lumbar spine.
The study results indicate that the smaller the cross sectional area of these muscles, the more likely disability was found. This was not associated with pain levels, just disability scores. Therefore, it gives a goal beyond pain and into improving the quality and function of the individual, including productivity.
Stabilizing the spine is crucial to improving strength and reducing risk of further damage. When deconditioned from inactivity and/or injury, stabilization exercises can get you on the road to recovery. The authors of the study suggest strategies to increase paraspinal muscle size may be effective in reducing low back disability.
- In a 2020 Clinical Biomechanics study, lumbar stabilization exercises were compared to low back muscle strengthening exercises for 8 weeks. It was discovered that while both programs reduced pain and disability, the stabilization exercises were more effective and the results lasted longer. The participants had chronic low back pain and performed stationary work.
- A 2021 study in Physical Therapy found that even with complications with chronic low back pain and degenerative conditions like spondylolisthesis, where a spinal bone slips forward, stabilization exercises are just as good for this condition as the normally prescribed flexion exercises.
Back Stabilization Exercises Book Details
The softcover book is divided into sections and allows you to progress at your own pace. The professional quality is evident and it is often used by therapists and doctors to provide a home exercises program that addresses all phases of stabilization.
- The first section uses preparation for the program by employing activation and co-activation of spinal and postural muscles. This includes how to find your neutral spine position for performing the rest of the exercises as well as identifying points of pain. This helps bring you in contact with areas of control and balance.
- Supine tracking is the second section as you learn coordination and core stabilizing exercises using arms and legs while lying on your back.
- Bridge tracking is the next progression of exercises to intensify core stability. You can make use of a strap or belt to help and they are done lying on your back as well as side bridging.
- Quad tracking uses motions of the arms and legs while on the hands and knees, with arm raises and cross crawl techniques.
- The final section is the squat tracking in forward and back positions to coordinate the core and leg muscles.
A great example is the Plank or Prone Bridge Exercise.
- A 2016 study in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science indicated this exercise to be more beneficial than supine (face up) or Swiss ball bridges. This helps to strengthen the core to provide stabilization, with the least amount of strain on the back muscles, with the most activity focus on the transverse abdominis, internal oblique, and external oblique.
Getting The Most From Rehabilitation With Back Stabilization Exercises
These exercises will help to rehabilitate the back and prevent future injuries. The program can help improve performance in sports activities as well as daily activity performance at home and work. If you have any acute injury or inflammation, you should not do these exercises yet. They are meant for rehabilitation after therapeutic measures have been taken.
Through the initial preparation, you will learn a safe position for performing the exercises. By doing this alone, you will learn more about your back and avoiding pain sensations. The proper form is emphasized in order to avoid injuries as well as maximizing gains as you progress.
When doing the stabilization exercises, correct breathing techniques should be used at all times. Generally, breathing out when contracting or pushing and breathing in while slowly releasing or returning and relaxing to the neutral position. As with proper way to lift, you should not hold in your breath when straining. This raises blood pressure and the pressure inside the spine that can be harmful to discs. Try not to lock out the joints, leaving a slight roundness or bend in the elbows and knees when straightening the arms and legs.
Back stabilization is a process and takes time. Don’t be too anxious about getting results so you don’t over do it. Take it easy, especially when starting, spending a good amount of time doing the preparation exercises. If you are in pain, the preparation exercises can be used to relax muscles and, when used with deep breathing, can help oxygenate the back and pelvic areas. Beyond the preparation, you need to rest muscles sufficiently between sessions, depending on your condition and how you respond. A general rule would be to wait 48 hours in between stabilization sessions.
- A 2019 study in the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy found that patients with instability use poor adaptive strategies to overcome. This means other muscles are used to compensate; therefore, quality of motion is important as you do not want to overcompensate using the wrong muscles.
If you are recovering from being sick, take a couple extra days off. When you resume, go back to a lighter routine, doing less repetitions and concentrating on correct form as you resume stabilization. The exercises should not cause you any sharp pain or worsening of symptoms. If a certain exercise produces pain, stop. With almost 30 back stabilization exercises, you will develop a routine that is best for you. Stay within the motion range that is comfortable. This is not a competition. It is a slow progression to better strength, mobility and confidence. While some soreness is usually noted with any exercise routine, feeling more tired during the day and/or having increased joint pains is a sign to cut back or discuss the back stabilization exercises with your doctor or therapist, and take the book with you.
- A 2020 study in Journal of Applied Biomechanics found that the addition of cervical posture correction to lumbar stabilization produced better effects for low back pain.
Can I Do This At Home?
- A 2018 study evaluated a home exercise regimen of 8 weeks for chronic low back pain using a booklet. The results indicated that it was effective in improving quality of life, levels of pain, and functional capacity. This was compared to the group that received weekly supervision in a rehabilitation center. The weekly supervision group did not reach significance for difference in outcomes.
- A 2020 study in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation found that doing self directed exercises for chronic back pain is affected by what the authors call “Grit”, defined as passion and perseverance for long term goals, in a sample of older adults.
- A 2020 study in the Journal of the National Medical Association found that core stability exercises including flexibility and strengthening carried out at home two times a day for four weeks was just as effective as an in-person exercise group receiving the same exercises at the clinic, three times a week for four weeks.
- A 2021 study in the journal Work found that stability exercises were more effective than conventional exercises for in reducing pain during activity and improving core stability regarding functionality and endurance in patients with non-specifc back pain. Exercises were three days per week for six weeks.
- A 2021 study in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders found stabilization exercise was effective in improving proprioception, balance, and percentage change of muscle thickness, and reducing functional disability and fear of movement in patients with subacute chronic back pain.