Lumbar Traction For Home Use Allows You To Actively Rehabilitate Your Back For Pain Prevention, Relief & Restoration
There are people all over the world that suffer from back pain. While injuries can always be a problem, one of the main reasons is poor posture habits over a period of time. Many of us tend to sit all day, and the effects of poor seated posture allows the spine to compress and lose the normal curve. The normal back curve helps to keep the joints and discs healthy. Long term pressure leads to early degenerative problems, as well as muscle spasm. See how lumbar traction for home use can provide a solution.
An injury that you may not have even noticed when you were younger may cause a joint lock that has persisted for years. Over a period of time, this causes the spine to wear and form typical arthritis signs and symptoms. The liquid type lock causes joint stiffness, loss of normal motion, dehydration of the disc, uneven wear and tear, rapid and early onset degeneration, and resistance to re-alignment. Using lumbar traction at home can help prevent this problem as well as release locked joints to free motion in the lower back and help to fix or prevent problems.
The Inflatable Back Traction Unit is designed for home use and allows you to take an active approach to spine health in the comfort of your own home. It can be used in all areas of the lumbar spine and even the lower part of the thoracic spine. The idea is to rock and traction using the pumps. The combined motion is what releases locked joints and hydrates the discs. This is a unique method of providing lumbar traction at home and is highly recommended by Chiropractors to help restore, rehabilitate, and prevent lumbar spine problems.
Benefits Of This Lumbar Traction For Home Use Device
Most traction units provide therapy while you just lay there motionless. This device is different. To use this device, you inflate the air cells and then use a rocking motion. This allows you to take an active part in your therapy. When you get used to using the unit, you will be able to have quicker sessions with faster results. You will find this type of traction to be most beneficial after a long day sitting; whether at the office, at home or a long drive.
Long periods of inactivity or bending over a lot puts forward pressure in the low back, regardless of sitting or standing, and your back will greatly benefit from the rejuvenating motion provided by this lumbar traction device. Again, you just don’t lay on it, you rock to restore locked joints and compressed discs. This can help relieve pain as well as restore normal function.
Use on any flat surface. Start with the unit inflated – always change positions with it not inflated. Start with warm up motions, rocking your pelvis back and forth over the unit. When you are ready, position it in a comfortable position and begin treatment. Your back will not be used to this type of traction/mobilization at first, so in order to reduce any soreness, keep it inflated to lower levels and keep treatment sessions to less than 10 minutes for the first couple weeks, allowing gradual adaptation. This is like a concentrated exercise session. Take an active role in your back pain. Do not use with any recent injury. For pre-existing conditions, consult your health care provider first.
Just like getting adjusted at the Chiropractor’s office, you may experience some soreness the first time or two after using it. Start out slow until you are familiar with how it works and how you respond. Pretty soon you will be an expert and on your way to a healthier and and more pain free back.
This special device using lumbar traction for home use is easy to use and ready right out of the box. No assembly required and built strong to last. Makes it perfect for the home, at the office when you get a break, and even to take on the road for traveling.