Expand Your Spine With Home Based Spinal Decompression Devices
There are many devices used to achieve decompression of the spine. Expensive clinical units use advanced computer systems to apply traction in an on-off manner, thus improving results over straight line continuous pull in certain conditions. Traction can expand your spine and offers many benefits for common neck problems.
With the increase of computer use both at work and home, neck pain is on the rise. Using monitors often acts like a magnet, pulling the head, neck and upper back forward. This results in overstretching of structures in the back of the neck, while the front part shortens or contracts and tightens. The result in this stress over time is a forward head posture and round shoulders that can cause many problems for the neck and shoulders. Headaches, neck & upper back pain, as well as shoulder joint problems can result and be a source of nagging long-term pain that effects work and daily life activities.
Compression of structures from bad biomechanical forces can lead to early degeneration of the spine resulting in arthritis, pinch nerves and bulging discs.
Forward cervical spine posture increases the stress on the neck as these structures work harder to maintain the weight of the head and stabilize the upper body to prevent injury. Long term posture strain disrupts balance and the biomechanical configuration of a normal, healthy neck curve is lost, straightened, or even reversed.
Expand your spine to avoid progressive deterioration. The loss of the normal cervical spine curve is a focus of attention to many doctors and therapists that treat neck pain, headaches and upper back pain. As the curve is altered, disc nutrition suffers as the relationship between the bones produce altered motion and stress, causing poor disc nutrition and stress lines where they should not be. All this produces muscles strain imbalance, early reactive arthritis, disc bulging and nerve irritation.
MRI studies confirm the relationship between poor spinal alignment and harmful effects on the discs. It was shown that a special type of traction to the cervical spine which consists of expanding decompression can hydrate the discs and realign the joints providing a beneficial effect, as the spine is gently expanded and the normal relationship restored.
Neck Traction Devices | Spine Traction & Inversion |
A neck traction device with its expanding elliptical air cell mechanism provides a pumping or milking force to the spine and discs. It is this action that helps to hydrate discs and provide lubrication to joints that have been out of position for long periods. The pumping action combined with decompression helps expand your spine to relieve pain and restore normal spine function.
The dual unit is different from most devices that just provide a single directional force. It is a powerful tool for pain relief and addressing posture dysfunction, offering a new approach to general spinal health.
It is lightweight, easy to use, and under your direct control. While instant relief is sometimes experienced, this is the exception rather than the rule. This unique home traction program should be used over a period of time to ensure best results and in conjunction with exercise, stretches and proper ergonomic adjustments, including a good supportive pillow to expand your spine.
Using home based treatments that are self-administered is a great way to reduce the high costs of the health care system, while empowering patients to better manage and take control of their health issues. The new addition traction devices permits greater effects approaching the decompression from a cervical, upper thoracic and lumbar spine perspective to expand your spine for better health and reduced pain.
A 2017 study in the European Journal of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine found that traction with the neck in extension positively affected pain and neck related dizziness management outcomes at long term follow-up. The authors indicated that the addition of structural rehabilitation of the cervical spine for lordosis and head posture correction may lead to longer lasting lead and greater function.