AirNeckTraction Models Comparison Of Devices & Use
AirNeckTraction models are powered devices stretch the cervical spine to counter the effects of gravity. With the head weighing about 10 pounds, which the neck and shoulder muscles have to support, poor neck posture where the head leans forward and increases the effective weight placed on the neck.
Over a period of time, this undue stress can lead to neck problems. The disc bulge/herniation from the pressure of weight and force as the muscles shorten and become tight, along with resulting degenerative conditions like arthritis or facet joint irritation. These tight muscles can cause pain and restriction in motion and place further stress of the discs, joints and ligaments.
Safe, anatomically correct neck traction. Comfortably supports head and neck and sustains normal neck curvature. Gradual release of traction pressure which is distributed evenly and gently.
The Neck Traction Collar relieves pressure and allows more space for the nerve roots and releases neck muscles. A few minutes of use can give needed pain relief and regular use helps prevent neck problems by improving blood supply to muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These have a strong rubber odor which dissipates over time and are the heaviest in weight.
Very good traction force and adjustment with removable bulb. In 2 sizes to fit most neck sizes. In between sizes – choose the larger. Comes with carry case and free therapy massage ball.
The Air Neck Traction uses the same principles and methods of traction as the Neck Traction Collar with soft fabric instead of all latex. This model offers good power, comfort and user options.
The TracCollar offers extra support similar to a neck brace or collar. While the collar provides stable support, the inflatable feature provides a measure of traction. The traction feature provides separate control for right and left sides similar to the Air Neck Traction, although provides about half the traction force, it provides firm support for the neck which can be used as a more rigid collar.
It is buckled in the back and may be difficult with shoulder problems and offers the least, although still effective amount of traction force. Its main advantage is it requires the least amount of pumping (15 per side), while the neck traction collar would be the next, followed by the other models, which may require significant pumping in comparison.
It has some unique features where you can unhook the tube through a connector in the middle of the tube and be able to not have the whole tube and bulb hanging in front. It also comes with an ice pack that fits into the back of the unit for ice therapy during traction. In general, ice may decrease the effectiveness of traction as it stiffens tissues, but may provide benefits for those who like cold therapy or in hot climates.
The Neck Stretcher provides very effective single control traction with 4 layers. It is inflatable to comfort level and available in a size to fit a wide range of neck sizes.
A portable air powered traction unit that provides a comfortable yet powerful level of traction that is easy to use. It is a great way to see if traction can help for tight muscles to disc problems.
The traction force can also depend on how the unit is adjusted and there are many variables with the airnecktraction models. One instance would be the neck stretcher with its 4 layers may provide a greater amount of traction with the chambers being softer, since it inflates to a higher level. So, traction force is relative and may require more or less depending on the condition and the position of the neck during traction, as well as if you are sitting or lying down.
AirNeckTraction Models General Usage
Air Neck Traction is a general term for these type of traction devices and address the tight neck muscles and bulging discs which can cause headaches, neck pain and numbness or tingling down the arm from pressure on sensitive nerves and constriction of blood vessels which interferes with circulation. While these models use the same basic principles, there are differences as indicated above. Here we compare some details regarding the general use of inflatable or air powered neck traction devices.
The AirNeckTraction models below give you new ways to apply traction to painful neck muscles, and get relief that you control and administer yourself. These devices are easy to use, comfortable and portable so you can use them at home, work and while traveling! Enjoy safe and effective pain relief from tight neck muscles, pinched nerves, tension and neck related headaches, and degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis and irritated joints.
You place these Air Neck Traction devices comfortably around your neck and inflate with air using the a hand pump(s) to gradually raise the level to a comfortable stretch. The air neck traction elongates to support the weight of the head allowing tight neck muscles to relax. Further inflation will help take pressure off the discs, joints, nerves and blood vessels allowing increased blood flow and decreased irritation.
When partially inflated, the airnecktraction models function like a neck support or collar allowing the neck muscles to relax. The air pressure is adjustable and you can set it to your own level of comfort and pain relief based on the individual specifications of the models. The long term goal is to provide enough relief and pressure release that normal functioning of the neck can be restored.
Using Air Neck Traction devices, you should feel a gentle stretching of your neck and the feeling of your shoulders being pushed downwards as your head is totally supported. They do not constrict the neck when using the appropriate size. The correct level is to tolerance – there should be no pain.
Which Is The Best AirNeckTraction Models
We have compared the basic level air neck traction collars that are both popular and quite affordable. They are entry level traction units and provide many benefits. The varied features allows you to choose one that appeals best to you or as recommended by your doctor or therapist. The best are not listed on this page and are higher end professional models, the cervical traction collar is the professional version of the above models. The cervical traction system is similar, but gives you the choice of sitting/standing or lying down. The saunders home cervical traction device is the gold standard, however, is used lying down only. These models have gauges for controlling pressure and are the most effective for more serious conditions, and this is reflected in the price.
The air neck traction devices are not for everyone. It is not for recent injuries or acute conditions where swelling and inflammation are present. Caution should be taken with jaw or dental problems. Please consult your health care professional prior to use for pre-existing conditions.
A study in the journal Spine concluded, “Traction treatment is effective in enhancing nutrition supply and promoting disc cell proliferation of the degraded discs.”