Golf Back Pain

Golf Back Pain – Improve Your Swing

golf back painLow back pain is often associated with playing golf. When swinging a golf club, the back is subject to forces which can cause damage to muscles, ligaments, joints and discs, which can result in lower back pain. Although a golf swing involves many motions, it is the rotation, especially at the end of the swing back phase prior to hitting the ball and the following through after striking the ball, where the lower back is twisted and overextended.

When swinging a golf club, the hips remain in place to face the ball as the shoulders turn all the way. This produces torquing and rotational forces directly into the lower back, ending in the follow through, which adds extending pressure as well. These combinations of forces can damage the spine causing golf back pain and lead to conditions like degenerative disc disease, painful facet joint irritation and even cause a fracture type injury causing a spinal bone to slip forward.

Proper golf swing technique is crucial to minimize these harmful forces, however, the restriction in hip motion along with an unbalanced swing can result in back pain.

Golf Back Pain & Back Support Belts

Back support belts have often been employed in the treatment of lower back pain for both athletes and non-athletes. A soft back belt has minimal effects and is used mainly as a reminder to use proper mechanics when lifting, provide warmth, peace of mind and a degree of stabilizing. A strong back belt, made of stiffer materials and with the ability to apply significant amounts of pressure can help support the lower and upper body, preventing excessive motions and can be beneficial when recovering from an injury by reducing inflammation and chances of re-injury.

According to an article published in a 2013 issue of the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, wearing a strong back brace can have benefits for minimizing harmful force to the low back when golfing. By providing firm support of the upper and lower back, overextending, extremes of rotational forces as well as overextending can be reduced, thus avoiding harmful strain placed in the low back during the two phases of the golf swing that places golfers at risk for back pain.

The beneficial effects were noted with strong supports which were found to increase rotation motion at the hips, while reducing rotation motion of the lower back. The belt also reduced over extending at the follow through swing phase and minimized forces from the speed of the swing translating directly into the lower back.

While the softer belt provided some protection, the stronger belt produced significant effects by increasing the stiffness of the trunk. Therefore, freeing up the hips and providing firm trunk support offered significant protection from potentially damaging forces to the low back in amateur golfers, who are more likely to have an unbalanced golf swing technique resulting in golf back pain.

Best Back Belts For Golfers

By reducing the extreme motions involved with the golf swing, harmful forces are minimized, reducing pain and risk of injury. A strong back support belt reduces overextending, rotational force and tilting during both the initial phase of swing back as well as follow through, whereas a soft belt helped to minimize overextending during the initial swing back phase and tilting during follow through.

Therefore, a strong back support belt is recommended over a weaker, softer belt. This may produce more discomfort during use, however the compromise will provide benefits from reducing more harmful forces that can offer relief from back pain when golfing, reducing risk of injury and extend the enjoyment of playing golf longer.

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Fortunately, with the advent of new technology, strong back support belts are more comfortable to wear and much easier to use than the older types which tend to be very bulky.

Benefits Of Back Belts For Golf Back Pain

Wearing a strong back support belt while playing golf can help to reduce over-extension of the lower back, which is frequently associated with injuries causing or increasing pain from irritated facet joints and/or disruption or fracture of a spinal bone. By restricting rotational forces and permitting more hip motion, a back belt can help those suffering from painful degenerative osteoarthritis of the lower back. This provides some scientific evidence that wearing a back support belt can help prevent back when golfing.

More Information & Our Selection Of Support Belts For Sports & Pain Relief

A 2021 study in The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy found mobility restrictions in the thoracic spine and hips may contribute to hypermobility in the lower lumbar spine. A brace can help reduce hypermobility along with stabilization exercises. The risk of pain and injury is higher when a stable joint system sacrifices its role in order to obtain mobility that has been lost in the adjacent joint systems.

The best sleeping posture is trying to maintain a neutral spine when side sleeping with the use of ergonomic pillows and avoidance of stomach sleeping postures. Quad stretching can help with mobility of the hips.

quad stretch

Author Bio

Stephen Ornstein, D.C. has treated thousands of neck, shoulder and back conditions since graduating Sherman Chiropractic College in 1987 and during his involvement in Martial Arts. He holds certifications as a Peer Review Consultant from New York Chiropractic College, Physiological Therapeutics from National Chiropractic College, Modic Antibiotic Spinal Therapy from Dr. Hanne Albert, PT., MPH., Ph.D., Myofascial Release Techniques from Logan Chiropractic College, and learned Active Release Technique from the founder, P. Michael Leahy, DC, ART, CCSP.