Tinnitus Handicap Inventory

Tinnitus Handicap Inventory Online Form

This online tinnitus handicap inventory is advantageous to help you determine the amount of difficulties that your tinnitus produces. Use this to notice any kind of development or regression of your tinnitus signs and symptoms.

Tinnitus is a generated symptom with multiple causes that indicates an auditory “phantom” perception without any external sound source. The prevalence estimates are widely varied in population studies from 5 to 43%. While most will get use to or habituate to it, a subset of those affected relate its experience to the onset or worsening of psychological distress which may indicate a key risk factor for chronic symptoms and can severely impact quality of life.

Following responding to Every question click on the form button to obtain your results. A new window will open with the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory Score and Interpretation.

1. Is your concentration affected by your tinnitus?


2. Does your tinnitus loudness make it hard to hear other people?


3. Are you angry because of your tinnitus?


4. Do you get confused because of your tinnitus?


5. Does your tinnitus make you desperate?


6. Do you frequently complain about your tinnitus?


7. Does your tinnitus prevent you from getting to sleep?


8. Are you feeling trapped by your tinnitus?


9. Does tinnitus prevent you from enjoying social events such as dining out or going to the movies?


10. Is your tinnitus frustrating?


11. Does your tinnitus make you feel like you have a bad disease?


12. Is it difficult to enjoy life with your tinnitus?


13. Does tinnitus get in the way of your job or your household chores?


14. Does your tinnitus make you irritable?


15. Does tinnitus make reading a problem?


16. Are you upset about your tinnitus?


17. Does your tinnitus interfere with your relationships with family and friends?


18. Is it hard to focus on other things because of your tinnitus?


19. Are you experiencing a lack of control from to your tinnitus symptoms?


20. Does your tinnitus make you tired?


21. Is your tinnitus depressing to you?


22. Are you experiencing anxiety about your tinnitus?


23. Are you feeling like you can no longer deal with your tinnitus?


24. Does stress make your tinnitus worse?


25. Are you feeling insecurity because of your tinnitus?


Question 1 of 25

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Please note, this is an online tinnitus handicap form and is not worded the same as the original tinnitus handicap inventory. For this purpose, the wording is not that important and the results are valid compared to the original. It may aid in your decision to obtain professional help or help you monitor any home remedy you may try. Your doctor may give you the original form to help determine your status and to monitor your tinnitus progress to treatment over time.

Although there have been attempts to use items individually or subscale for analysis, a 2020 study in Head & Face Medicine did a factor analysis and evaluation of each item of the tinnitus handicap inventory [THI] and concluded, “As a result of the factor analysis, only the total score, not any subscale, would be clinically useful in the THI. Examination of each item of the THI was helpful to understand the status of patients with tinnitus and comorbid symptoms of tinnitus.”

A 2020 study in BMJ Open provided data on the natural history of tinnitus, indicating resolution is relatively uncommon and improvement or worsening of symptoms equally likely. The authors recommended primary prevention, managing symptoms, and monitoring changes in bothersomeness (can be done using this form).

Author Bio

Stephen Ornstein, D.C. has treated thousands of neck, shoulder and back conditions since graduating Sherman Chiropractic College in 1987 and during his involvement in Martial Arts. He holds certifications as a Peer Review Consultant from New York Chiropractic College, Physiological Therapeutics from National Chiropractic College, Modic Antibiotic Spinal Therapy from Dr. Hanne Albert, PT., MPH., Ph.D., Myofascial Release Techniques from Logan Chiropractic College, and learned Active Release Technique from the founder, P. Michael Leahy, DC, ART, CCSP.