Elbow Compression Support


Elbow compression support fits like a glove and provides the perfect level of support for relief or arthritis and sports related pain.

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Elbow Compression Support Offers A Comfortable & Lightweight Brace That Can Be Worn For Hours

Using an elbow compression support can help elbow pain from numerous causes and is versatile as well as affordable. Typically, it is used for Tennis Elbow, but can be used for Golfer’s Elbow, arthritis and general pain in the arm and elbow.

They can help provide alleviation and discomfort, but should not not over compress the arm, thus can be worn for long periods of time. It serves as a means of protection, warmth and can relieve minor pain depending on the condition. It is a compression sleeve and not what is generally thought of as a brace, however, traditional braces can be expensive and should not be worn for long periods.

For higher levels of protection for tendon injuries, an elbow strap is an easy and affordable option. I use these supports for a torn tendon and muscle in my elbow and have been wearing them for eight months now – every day. There are many options for an elbow compression support and I have many, so the use depends on your preference. They provide the right amount of compression; not too much or too little. All have held up over time to steady use and are reasonably priced. Measure to fit most of these companies will replace if you need a different size, but I have found them all accurate to measurement.

With a tendon that is about 3/4 torn and a torn forearm muscle as indicated by MRI, this sleeve is not going to cure it or even make motion less painful, however, it feels good wearing it, fits like a glove, stays where you place it, and that says a lot when you have a chronic, painful condition. Since I tend to be a klutz, it helps a bit when I hit my elbow on just about anything you can hit your elbow on.

I wear them for hours at a time depending on how I feel. It is always on when I am typing and doing general activities. For heavy work, short use of an elbow strap is a must, however, at the compression levels needed to protect the tendon, it is only worn for short periods because it can compress at high levels.

With the compression sleeves, I take it off to rest for about 20 minutes and then put it on or switch to a different one. I do not use it underneath a strap, use the built in strap version for this. They do not bunch up or irritate the skin – only minimally with the thicker ones, but it does not restrict motion. So, it is great to use for sports and is a great solution for general help with tennis, basketball, baseball, football, and other activities.

elbow compression support

The elbow compression support, in all varieties, are like my best friends as I await results of PRP injection and perhaps surgery in the future. They provides emotional support as well and really have withstood the wear and tear of using it every day, retaining elasticity and support under pretty rough conditions. I find it helps with proprioception – awareness and perception of the joint position.

I am not suggesting getting more than one brand – some come in pairs, but it can’t hurt if you can afford it and think they will be of benefit. Selecting different types of elbow compression supports can make them more versatile and effective; thick, thin and strap versions are what I use. Don’t expect miracles, but elbow compression support; and the support is both physical and psychological.

Author Bio

Stephen Ornstein, D.C. has treated thousands of neck, shoulder and back conditions since graduating Sherman Chiropractic College in 1987 and during his involvement in Martial Arts. He holds certifications as a Peer Review Consultant from New York Chiropractic College, Physiological Therapeutics from National Chiropractic College, Modic Antibiotic Spinal Therapy from Dr. Hanne Albert, PT., MPH., Ph.D., Myofascial Release Techniques from Logan Chiropractic College, and learned Active Release Technique from the founder, P. Michael Leahy, DC, ART, CCSP.